Friday, July 3, 2009

A Northern Lite Cooler...just what I needed.

Hi friends! It's been awhile since I got my blog on, sorry about that. I know I sound like an old fogey when I say this...but I can't believe it is JULY already!! Where is the summer going? Pretty soon, it will be August and then I will be back at school again. Crazy. Fortunately, I got to see Elisa for just a bit before she left again to the foreign lands of the UP (that's Upper Peninsula for you non-Michiganders). The time went by too fast, as I knew it would, and I am left again beadybeady-less. :)

For the most part, I am still just interning, working, and doing an occasional homework assignment (I really need to get on that), so nothing too exciting. Tomorrow is the 4th of July, for those of you who are not in the States, but I really don't have any big plans. I don't even know if I'll be celebrating with a fireworks show, although some of you know my feelings about the 4th of's my second least favorite holiday, after New Year's Eve. So, I figure that if I don't have ANY expectations to have fun, then I can't suffer from my usual 4th of July disappointment curse. I know, I know, I'm such a downer, but I have my reasons! Car crashes, hospital visits, awkward recent 4ths have been pretty bad.

So on a happier note, my summer is going almost exactly how I thought it would (in a good way). Besides some minor issues, I have really enjoyed this time off from school and being able to do something different. And I do feel like God is making it pretty clear which direction I should go after I graduate. I don't want to go off about the economy or anything, but it's just really fortunate that I do not care about making a lot of money. I will be totally content just to have a job that I'm passionate about, and at a place where I feel like I'm able to serve God and people. I don't want to bore anyone, so ask me about it if you want to hear more.

Well, I guess that's all for now. Caribou says "hi" to all of you travelers [and I still feel totally collegey and cool when I'm working on a laptop in a coffee shop]. :) I love you a lot, my sisters!


1 comment:

Unknown said...

When did you have a fourth of July DTR?..

Yeah, this fourth of July will go down in the books as a weird one (for me). Did it ever occur to you that by having THAT kind of attitude, you're making it a self fulfilling prophecy?