Katie & Heather say hello via my new built-in videocamera!
Friday, July 31, 2009
Saturday, July 25, 2009
I Am Tibby, Nice to Meet You
Hey girls!! I miss you all sooo much, and hope you're all doing well. Alright, well as I think at least a couple of you know, we are done with our summer tours. I wasn't really sure how to react to this. Should I be annoyed that I wasn't able to hangout with any more awesome High School students? Should I want to come home now? Well so far since our last group left I've been asking myself how God has been using me and what his purpose was for me this summer. Seeing as how this summer has been dramatically different than last, I've been unsure of God was going to work in me while I'm here/felt like there was something more I should be doing. Well, God basically blew away all of my doubt and regret a couple nights ago, ha. Like Heather, I've found myself in the middle of many discussions of the future while here. For some reason though I never spoke or jumped into any of them, I always just wanted to listen because frankly...I had no idea. Yes, God has for sure called me into missions, but that could literally mean anything! I think ever since I heard from God so strongly while hear on as short timer, I've had this idea in my head of what "missions" means. And the other night I realized that I was completely mistaken. Yes, there are missionaries who live in some remote area of the world and translate bibles, or even build churches. The other night however, it was as if God linked together every chain in my life to give me the answer. Like all of a sudden these puzzle pieces of what make up ME, just popped into place to show me God's greater picture. It made me excited! I was like... well duhh! How did I not see this before? I mean, I was still a little discouraged because that wasn't my original idea of "missions", but after talking to the other interns and one of the missionaries about it, they really encouraged me to step out of the box that I've put my future into. I know...you are probably like..wellll? What the krunk is it??!! Maybe you're not, ha, idk. Well, you're just gonna have to wait and talk to me in person. Sorrry. Let's just say...you will REALLY be calling me tibby. lol.
So, please be praying that I continue to pray and listen to God about what I feel like He's placed before me. I can't wait to spend time with the three of you again, and praise God for you everyday.
In His Truth,
Hannah Grace
Monday, July 20, 2009
A walk down memory lane, among other things
I've been thinking a lot about the future lately. In fact, with almost every conversation I have had in the past week, the future seems to be a hot topic. Why is that? Why am I constantly struggling to focus on the present and just enjoy the day that God has given me? My summer is zooming (is that a word?) by, and I don't think I have taken one day to just sit still and BE. To RELAX. Where did those kind of summers go? You know, the ones when I would wake up in the morning not knowing what the day would hold and spend every night with friends asking ourselves, "What do you want to do? I don't know...what do you want to do? Let's go to the beach!" :) I keep remembering the first summer that Elisa and I were friends (also the summer of love for her and Matt...and I guess for me, too), FIVE years ago! That was the ideal summer. There were about 6 of us who spent every day together and yet every day was fun, because none of us had jobs. It was also the first summer I had my driver's license, so the world was pretty much at our feet. What a great summer...Okay, sorry about that trip down memory lane, sometimes it just happens. I guess I am just missing that feeling of being un-scheduled and free. I looked at my calendar last night for the rest of the summer and got really depressed. First of all, there are very few weeks left before I go back to school. And second, I have something planned almost every day until I leave. Don't misunderstand me, most of my plans are by choice and it isn't like I am being forced to do anything. I think I am a little angry at myself for being such a planner. It's like I can't allow myself to have a day without official plans (be it work or play), because then I would have "no life." A lot of that is just my personality and the way I am wired (and maybe the way I was raised), but at this point in the summer, it is frustrating. Katie is back now and Elisa will come back fairly soon, but I don't even have a lot of time to spend with them! It makes me very sad. Another thing: this is pretty much my last real summer. And I think I was busier this summer than I was during the past school year. How the heck did that happen? I need to make some hippie friends that will rub off on me and help me to break out of this constant "to-do list" mindset. Hannah, where are you when I need you? ;)
On a happier note, I went to a wedding in Indiana this past weekend and it was a blast! I stayed at a good friend's house and I got to see a ton of girls from Taylor who I wasn't expecting to see. It was really encouraging to catch up with everyone and just to be reminded of how wonderful my college friends are (not to say that you ladies aren't wonderful!). I have just met so many great women at Taylor, and even for those who I'm not as close with - I love spending time with them. Plus, it was a wedding so, of course, I got to DANCE!! And anyone who knows me knows how much I love to dance, but since dancing isn't quite allowed at Taylor...let's just say that some of those Taylor boys were not prepared for the experience of Heather on a dance floor. SO much fun! :D (and also made me miss our beadybeady dance parties...)
Alright, well I need to get back to work. Katie, I can't wait to see you - TONIGHT!! Twin, I've been thinking about you a lot lately. You are in my prayers, chica. Oh and did you get my FB message a couple days ago? Lisey, I've been thinking about you, too. Call me this week or I will call you. Let me know how that Everything skit goes! I love you, my sisters. I am so thankful that you are in my life!
Heather Grace
On a happier note, I went to a wedding in Indiana this past weekend and it was a blast! I stayed at a good friend's house and I got to see a ton of girls from Taylor who I wasn't expecting to see. It was really encouraging to catch up with everyone and just to be reminded of how wonderful my college friends are (not to say that you ladies aren't wonderful!). I have just met so many great women at Taylor, and even for those who I'm not as close with - I love spending time with them. Plus, it was a wedding so, of course, I got to DANCE!! And anyone who knows me knows how much I love to dance, but since dancing isn't quite allowed at Taylor...let's just say that some of those Taylor boys were not prepared for the experience of Heather on a dance floor. SO much fun! :D (and also made me miss our beadybeady dance parties...)
Alright, well I need to get back to work. Katie, I can't wait to see you - TONIGHT!! Twin, I've been thinking about you a lot lately. You are in my prayers, chica. Oh and did you get my FB message a couple days ago? Lisey, I've been thinking about you, too. Call me this week or I will call you. Let me know how that Everything skit goes! I love you, my sisters. I am so thankful that you are in my life!
Heather Grace
Friday, July 17, 2009
when rain gives way to rainbows
So I have a feeling this will be a typical rambling message from Elisa. Pre-scipt apology starts now: sorry. :)
Well girls, it has been an interesting first two weeks here at Cedar Campus. God has been challenging me on a daily basis, overwhelming me (ok, some of that is self-induced), cooling me off, taking care of me when I don't even ask--I suppose some pretty basic characteristics of his that I just don't notice very often. I've been very emotional this week and God cleared it all up just in time last night. I finally got a chance to just emoti-vomit all over my family group leader which totally cleared my head. I was just thankful at first that I was feeling better, but soon realized that God did that so he could lay someone else on my heart. One person in particular, who I haven't even seen for a couple years, was burning in my mind and I spent over in hour in prayer for him. Every time I tried to stop, I felt God pushing me to keep going. Today I found out there are some really significant challenges going on in his life. I don't know if last night was a particularly hard night in the midst of all of it or not, but I just rejoice in God's goodness and pressure for me not to give up on this guy, not to give up on God and to trust that, though I don't understand it, the mystery between our prayers and events is profoundly and powerfully used by the Lord.
Other than that, I have been increasingly convicted to be open to new ways of doing things in Christian circles and the importance of evangelism in the Christian life. I have been insanely convicted/motivated about what a huge responsibility my Christian school has in the world. So watch out, because I'm ready to make some changes at Cornerstone this year! I'll have a thousand things to tell you all (and even challeng you with) when I get home! :)
We're doing outreach at Macinac Island on Monday. I'm in the "arts" group and we're performing the Lifehouse "Everything" skit and I'll be playing the main girl. I'm actually really excited slash am pretty sure I'm going to cry while we're doing it -- partially because it's so powerful and partially because it hurts when they throw me down on the ground. If you think of it, pray for us on Monday. I'm not altogether comfortable with "this type" of evangelism and need to be a bit more open. Most of the day it sounds like we'll be doing what Kate was doing in Rome; just asking people what they're views are on spirituality and Christianity and that kind of thing. It's encouraging that one of the staff members here came to faith through this type of ministry.
Kat-E-lizabeth, welcome home!! I hope we can talk soon. Man, the four of us need to all be together soon! Hannah Grace, I hope you're almost healed of your insane, at least 2nd degree sunburn. That sounds no fun at all. Heather Grace, I miss you loads and will hopefully talk to you again soon. To all of my beady beady sisters, I'm praying for you and long to be with you all soon. God has been so good to us, hasn't he?
Sunday, July 12, 2009
Sulla Roccia
Well, It's Sunday night, and I'm trying to process the fact that I only have 2 full days left in this beautiful city. Part of me is so excited to get home... I can't wait to sleep in my bed, and hug my friends and my brothers and my parents. The other part of me hates to leave all these new great friends and this amazing city.
In this moment, I have the feeling that I won't be back here next year. Of course, there are other moments where I am fully convinced that I will be. But that makes it all the more sad to leave, feeling as if these two days may be my last chance to pour into the lives of these beautiful women that I've met (at least, pour into them in person).
So neither he who plants, nor he who waters is anything, but only God, who makes things grow.... By the Grace God has given me, I laid a foundation as a wise builder, and someone else is building on it. But each one should build with care. For no one can build any foundation other than the one already laid, which is Jesus Christ. 1 Corinthians 3:7, 10-11
This passage has spoken to me a lot here in Rome. First, it's freeing, because it means that I don't have to do a whole lot except for be faithful and rely on the foundation that has already been laid. Second, it means I have to trust that other people will be continuing to build after I leave. Third, it means that I have to build with care because even if I am leaving in three days, I don't know what impact I could have here. I don't know which words God will use. (meeting a lot of new people this summer has forced me to share my testimony over and over, which is a wonderful reminder of the way God has clearly orchestrated my life, and I have been reminded of little things that people said to me, before I was a Christian, that impacted me profoundly. Elisa and Heather have both been quoted in my testimony, along with people who I had forgotten about.) So I need to remember that it is not my power that changes people's hearts, but the moving of the Holy Spirit.
I feel like it is so hard to get perspective on what all I have learned here. We focused a lot on that during debrief in Switzerland, but since I have yet to return to America and experience life as it was, I haven't really been able to grasp the ways that God has changed me, although I feel certain that He has.
This morning I went to an Italian speaking church with the Bennetches. I was worried that I would not understand much, but luckily, the woman who preached was very good at enunciating, and she preached on a passage that is very familiar to me, so I grasped (almost) everything that she was saying. She talked about the part in Matthew where the different builders build houses in the sand or on the rock. Her sermon was very simple, and very good. And hearing these familiar truths in a new language gave them a new profundity. At one point she talked about how the two houses are the same in every way but one: their stability. "Where is your stability?" she asked. What am I relying on, and is it stable? If it's not Christ, the rock, la roccia, then it's not stable. It will wash away. This was particularly challenging because I feel like right now I am laying foundations for the rest of my life (isn't that a tag line in a commercial...?) and I want those foundations to be the right ones.
Anyway, I'm coming home. Wednesday. And I am so excited to see what God will teach me as I cycle back into routine. And I'm praying that my routine will be as un-routine like as possible! Soon. I will see you all soon. (Hannah, I re-realized that you won't be in Avon Lake until the end of summer and almost cried today. I miss you friend! I talk about you all the time to my friends here! And to Heathie and Else, I will talk to you/ see you soon!)
Much love,
In this moment, I have the feeling that I won't be back here next year. Of course, there are other moments where I am fully convinced that I will be. But that makes it all the more sad to leave, feeling as if these two days may be my last chance to pour into the lives of these beautiful women that I've met (at least, pour into them in person).
So neither he who plants, nor he who waters is anything, but only God, who makes things grow.... By the Grace God has given me, I laid a foundation as a wise builder, and someone else is building on it. But each one should build with care. For no one can build any foundation other than the one already laid, which is Jesus Christ. 1 Corinthians 3:7, 10-11
This passage has spoken to me a lot here in Rome. First, it's freeing, because it means that I don't have to do a whole lot except for be faithful and rely on the foundation that has already been laid. Second, it means I have to trust that other people will be continuing to build after I leave. Third, it means that I have to build with care because even if I am leaving in three days, I don't know what impact I could have here. I don't know which words God will use. (meeting a lot of new people this summer has forced me to share my testimony over and over, which is a wonderful reminder of the way God has clearly orchestrated my life, and I have been reminded of little things that people said to me, before I was a Christian, that impacted me profoundly. Elisa and Heather have both been quoted in my testimony, along with people who I had forgotten about.) So I need to remember that it is not my power that changes people's hearts, but the moving of the Holy Spirit.
I feel like it is so hard to get perspective on what all I have learned here. We focused a lot on that during debrief in Switzerland, but since I have yet to return to America and experience life as it was, I haven't really been able to grasp the ways that God has changed me, although I feel certain that He has.
This morning I went to an Italian speaking church with the Bennetches. I was worried that I would not understand much, but luckily, the woman who preached was very good at enunciating, and she preached on a passage that is very familiar to me, so I grasped (almost) everything that she was saying. She talked about the part in Matthew where the different builders build houses in the sand or on the rock. Her sermon was very simple, and very good. And hearing these familiar truths in a new language gave them a new profundity. At one point she talked about how the two houses are the same in every way but one: their stability. "Where is your stability?" she asked. What am I relying on, and is it stable? If it's not Christ, the rock, la roccia, then it's not stable. It will wash away. This was particularly challenging because I feel like right now I am laying foundations for the rest of my life (isn't that a tag line in a commercial...?) and I want those foundations to be the right ones.
Anyway, I'm coming home. Wednesday. And I am so excited to see what God will teach me as I cycle back into routine. And I'm praying that my routine will be as un-routine like as possible! Soon. I will see you all soon. (Hannah, I re-realized that you won't be in Avon Lake until the end of summer and almost cried today. I miss you friend! I talk about you all the time to my friends here! And to Heathie and Else, I will talk to you/ see you soon!)
Much love,
Here I am with open ears, open heart.
Buenos tardes, mis amigas!
Man, it is good to hear from you two. I had a wonderful conversation with Lisey yesterday, but Hannah, it just seems like forever since we have talked. I miss you mucho. And Katie, I get to see you very, very soon! :)
Well, it sounds like God is using this summer to speak to all of us in a very similar way, just in very different places. I completely feel you, Lise, on your entire post. I know I've mentioned this before, since I've been feeling like this for the past few months, but God is definitely pulling me in a scary direction - far out of my comfort zone. I think I am slowly getting more familiar with the idea, but that doesn't make it any less scary. Working at The City Mission this summer has given me a ton of new ideas for the type of setting where I want to work after graduation. I have been getting really passionate about homelessness and poverty, abroad and in the US, but I didn't really know where I could direct that passion in a useful way. I was starting to just feel so overwhelmed and upset with people who have tons of money and spend it on (what I perceive as) meaningless things, when there are so many people who are homeless, jobless, and hungry. Especially from reading that book, The Irresistible Revolution, I've been learning a lot about homelessness in America, but I was feeling a little like...what now? Well, apparently there are a LOT of people who feel the same way I do. And fortunately, they are much wiser than I, which led to the idea of a rescue mission. More than just giving someone shelter for the night, these missions try to get to the root of the problem and then work with people to help make them self sufficient (and encourage them spiritually as well). Man, what a fantastic idea! I'm just so glad that I am learning about these organizations and feeling called in a more specific direction. I am even realizing that there is a way for me to combine all of my passions (psychology, research, & Spanish) to help people. And why not? God made me this way for reason, and it would just be selfish for me to keep my gifts to myself, or not to develop them at all.
Another thing I am realizing this summer is that I am going through a bit of a rebellious period in my life. I know that slightly contradicts what I was just saying, but I think the rebelliousness is more behavior-related than mindset-related. Does that make sense? I don't want to get into too many details on here, but I could use some prayer if you think of it. It's not anything too extreme, but I guess I am just trying to work out where I stand on certain issues and what the Bible actually says about them.
Well, I have to go off to work. I love you all to pieces, and just know that you are in my thoughts and prayers!
Man, it is good to hear from you two. I had a wonderful conversation with Lisey yesterday, but Hannah, it just seems like forever since we have talked. I miss you mucho. And Katie, I get to see you very, very soon! :)
Well, it sounds like God is using this summer to speak to all of us in a very similar way, just in very different places. I completely feel you, Lise, on your entire post. I know I've mentioned this before, since I've been feeling like this for the past few months, but God is definitely pulling me in a scary direction - far out of my comfort zone. I think I am slowly getting more familiar with the idea, but that doesn't make it any less scary. Working at The City Mission this summer has given me a ton of new ideas for the type of setting where I want to work after graduation. I have been getting really passionate about homelessness and poverty, abroad and in the US, but I didn't really know where I could direct that passion in a useful way. I was starting to just feel so overwhelmed and upset with people who have tons of money and spend it on (what I perceive as) meaningless things, when there are so many people who are homeless, jobless, and hungry. Especially from reading that book, The Irresistible Revolution, I've been learning a lot about homelessness in America, but I was feeling a little like...what now? Well, apparently there are a LOT of people who feel the same way I do. And fortunately, they are much wiser than I, which led to the idea of a rescue mission. More than just giving someone shelter for the night, these missions try to get to the root of the problem and then work with people to help make them self sufficient (and encourage them spiritually as well). Man, what a fantastic idea! I'm just so glad that I am learning about these organizations and feeling called in a more specific direction. I am even realizing that there is a way for me to combine all of my passions (psychology, research, & Spanish) to help people. And why not? God made me this way for reason, and it would just be selfish for me to keep my gifts to myself, or not to develop them at all.
Another thing I am realizing this summer is that I am going through a bit of a rebellious period in my life. I know that slightly contradicts what I was just saying, but I think the rebelliousness is more behavior-related than mindset-related. Does that make sense? I don't want to get into too many details on here, but I could use some prayer if you think of it. It's not anything too extreme, but I guess I am just trying to work out where I stand on certain issues and what the Bible actually says about them.
Well, I have to go off to work. I love you all to pieces, and just know that you are in my thoughts and prayers!
Saturday, July 11, 2009
Sorry for the intense scatteredness of that last post. Here are some mindless photos to keep you occupied from my trip to Europe. Enjoyyyy.

Me and my sis in Budapest! I'm leaning back so I don't look like I have a double-chin. Worked.
Part of the castle on the Pest side.
Another castle! Oooooh!
Sibs! K, more pictures to come!...or else you'll just see them all when I see you all next! ...or check out facebook. :) Love you, ladies!
Me and my sis in Budapest! I'm leaning back so I don't look like I have a double-chin. Worked.
Yooper Bars exist, so I must, too!
It has been far far far far far too long, and for that I apologize. We don't have internet at Cedar Campus, so I am in Cedarville, Michigan at the Les Cheneaux Library, finally getting the chance to sit and briefly debreif to you all! Ok, before I say anything else, I need to tell you girls how intensely I love you! I am so incredibly blessed to have you three in my life and I miss you all so much! It's been great here at IVLI (InterVarsity Leadership Institute), but I look through my pictures every night to remind myself of how much God has already given me. I could not ask for better women in my life.
Now that I got that slightly off my chest, I ought to tell you about my time here. Well, first off, transition time between Europe and Michigan was insane. It went by way too fast, as Heathie already confirmed. Now that I'm here I've gotten a chance to relax a little, but mostly to learn. I cannot tell you how much I have changed by being here, focusing on God for just one week. I don't have any big life plans formulated and I haven't had any lifechanging experiences per se, but God has just opened my eyes to the innerworkings of my own heart, while allowing my mind to grasp a bit more of the greatness of his plans. I keep thinking of the song "Speak, O Lord" which says, "let us grasp the heights of your plans for us." That's precisely what I'm attempting to do. The whole focus of this month is leadership, but it's really more about my own walk and obedience to the Lord. Little by little God is breaking my down to be willing to give up everything. It's funny because one day I'll be like, "I should be a missionary!" and the next day I'll say, "I should work with women!" and the next day I'll say, "I should live in the ghetto and serve God there!" (Actual thoughts that have come into my head.) And it's just humorous because the thoughts are all so scattered that the only clear bit of understanding that I've reached is that God has the authority, right and option of sending me anywhere he wants, taking anything of mine he wants, and radically shaking my life however he wants. But I can't really be useful to him, to the build up of his kingdom, unless I'm willing to "take up my cross and follow" him. Basically, God is prying my fingers, one at a time, from the grip that I hold on this world. I know that only once my hands are completely free from anything but Christ's own hands will I be able to hear is voice for the plans he has for me. I was thinking about how annoyed I get that the American church tends to challenge people to step out of the boat into water that's only about a foot deep. I want to be prepared and challenged to step out into the middle of the ocean. Of course, after thinking this, I realized that I will never be ready for the ocean if I'm not willing to be "obedient, even unto death," to the Lord our God. Perhaps that sounds a bit extreme, bit only because we're looking at it through a western lense. (What is so shocking about death? It would seem that most of our brothers and sisters in India are prepared to die for Christ. Why not us?) At any rate, the principle behind it is the idea that I need to be willing to give up my things, to give up my home, to give up anything for Christ. THEN he will be able to truly use me; when he is my top priority, far above anything else.
Sorry to blabber on. I'm making up for my absence on our blog I guess. Heather, I'll call you soon. I love you, so much! Kate, call me when you get home. I want to talk to you! Bisoux! Hannah Grace, my sister. Man. We need to chat. I miss you immensely. If you can ever call, please do. If Melanie were not here with me, I was going to start referring to you as my sister here to people that I meet, because that's always what comes to my mind when I think of you. Oh, Jerome says hi.
Can't wait to reunite with you all! I love you women so much and praise God for you! Let me know how I can be praying for you!
It has been far far far far far too long, and for that I apologize. We don't have internet at Cedar Campus, so I am in Cedarville, Michigan at the Les Cheneaux Library, finally getting the chance to sit and briefly debreif to you all! Ok, before I say anything else, I need to tell you girls how intensely I love you! I am so incredibly blessed to have you three in my life and I miss you all so much! It's been great here at IVLI (InterVarsity Leadership Institute), but I look through my pictures every night to remind myself of how much God has already given me. I could not ask for better women in my life.
Now that I got that slightly off my chest, I ought to tell you about my time here. Well, first off, transition time between Europe and Michigan was insane. It went by way too fast, as Heathie already confirmed. Now that I'm here I've gotten a chance to relax a little, but mostly to learn. I cannot tell you how much I have changed by being here, focusing on God for just one week. I don't have any big life plans formulated and I haven't had any lifechanging experiences per se, but God has just opened my eyes to the innerworkings of my own heart, while allowing my mind to grasp a bit more of the greatness of his plans. I keep thinking of the song "Speak, O Lord" which says, "let us grasp the heights of your plans for us." That's precisely what I'm attempting to do. The whole focus of this month is leadership, but it's really more about my own walk and obedience to the Lord. Little by little God is breaking my down to be willing to give up everything. It's funny because one day I'll be like, "I should be a missionary!" and the next day I'll say, "I should work with women!" and the next day I'll say, "I should live in the ghetto and serve God there!" (Actual thoughts that have come into my head.) And it's just humorous because the thoughts are all so scattered that the only clear bit of understanding that I've reached is that God has the authority, right and option of sending me anywhere he wants, taking anything of mine he wants, and radically shaking my life however he wants. But I can't really be useful to him, to the build up of his kingdom, unless I'm willing to "take up my cross and follow" him. Basically, God is prying my fingers, one at a time, from the grip that I hold on this world. I know that only once my hands are completely free from anything but Christ's own hands will I be able to hear is voice for the plans he has for me. I was thinking about how annoyed I get that the American church tends to challenge people to step out of the boat into water that's only about a foot deep. I want to be prepared and challenged to step out into the middle of the ocean. Of course, after thinking this, I realized that I will never be ready for the ocean if I'm not willing to be "obedient, even unto death," to the Lord our God. Perhaps that sounds a bit extreme, bit only because we're looking at it through a western lense. (What is so shocking about death? It would seem that most of our brothers and sisters in India are prepared to die for Christ. Why not us?) At any rate, the principle behind it is the idea that I need to be willing to give up my things, to give up my home, to give up anything for Christ. THEN he will be able to truly use me; when he is my top priority, far above anything else.
Sorry to blabber on. I'm making up for my absence on our blog I guess. Heather, I'll call you soon. I love you, so much! Kate, call me when you get home. I want to talk to you! Bisoux! Hannah Grace, my sister. Man. We need to chat. I miss you immensely. If you can ever call, please do. If Melanie were not here with me, I was going to start referring to you as my sister here to people that I meet, because that's always what comes to my mind when I think of you. Oh, Jerome says hi.
Can't wait to reunite with you all! I love you women so much and praise God for you! Let me know how I can be praying for you!
To my loves,
Hola chicas!! Sorry I haven't been writing a lot recently well... / the whole summer so far. I guess I just have to be in the blogging mood as it turns out. : ) I've been trying not to miss you guys so much but alas, I've failed. I cannot wait to see all of you (even though I think my twin will already be back at school upon my arrival).
On sunday our next/ last group of the summer will be here. This tour will consist of two different groups actually. One from Pennsylvania, and the other from Minnesota. It's really weird that it will be the end of our summer tours! Stinkin swine flu. Anyway, we're not really sure what our site director has planned for us after they leave. We keep hearing different things, but that hasn't really narrowed it down for us, ha. Right now we are in between groups, so the other interns and I have just been chillin. Reading a lot, sleeping, writing, watching movies on the roof, eating food (of course). That's basically all you CAN do after the end of a tour. It feels like your entire body is just like..okk!..when can I shut dowwnn?! You're so physically, and sometimes emotionally, exhausted that you just go into chill mode. It's been good though because it's given me a lot of time to be in prayer and to just think in general. God has been speaking volumes to me which has been a huge blessing, and not only that...but I am actually OK with what he's been telling me! Usually I'm like..really?...but I want it to go this way. Well, not this time. So that has been awesome.
I think the hardest part of the summer was just a little withdrawal sesh I had upon realizing that my bestfriends/ sisters were not in fact here with me. It was like I just wanted to shutdown because well...no one here really knows me! But that's not how it should be. So I decided to start building relationships with those God has placed around me and it has been good. I still reeallly miss you girls, but I have peace in just knowing the awesome Christ-centered bond we have. I love you all and will continue to pray for you as we continue our own extremellyy unique adventures. : )
Hannah Grace
Thursday, July 9, 2009
Feelin' the Love
Saturday, July 4, 2009
Social Experiments!
So, I had a lovely Independence Day celebration here in Rome. Alas, no fireworks, but God provided lightening! I went to hang out with some of the few remaining American Agape staff here in Rome, and we had a cook out! Hot dogs, hamburgers (with bacon, cheese, and bbq sauce!), watermelon, potato salad, casserole, potato chips, veggies and dip, and apple pie with vanilla ice cream... doesn't get much more American than that! It was really fun just to hang out on their terrace and enjoy each other's company!
In addition to myself and the staff, a guy named Jonathan came. Jonathan is an American living in Rome and coaching an American football team. Jonathan is a HUGE African American football player. He's tall, but not overwhelmingly tall, but he is all muscles. Think Ryan Kirst, but a little bigger... You get the picture. Well, he was telling us how he gets funny looks sometimes because, well, he just doesn't look Italian. We left the party together and were both headed to the Metro. Seriously, I felt like a celebrity couple, because the whole way to the Metro, people were pointing at us. When we passed by a restaurant, people put down their forks, stopped their conversation, and watched us pass. I think people were worried for my safety, and they were freaked out by the sheer size of this guy. Italian guys in general are really skinny and kind of twerpy. Some of the older ones have beer guts. But it is really rare that you see one who is muscular. It was seriously hilarious. When we got on the train people were looking down the train at us. I couldn't believe it.
I have noticed in the past that Italians don't share the American rule of not staring. Italians will straight up stare at you for like 5 minutes. It doesn't matter who you are. Add to that me, a blonde girl who's pretty tall for this country, and Jonathan, a big Southern black guy who talks loudly and at one point laid his head on my lap (!) while telling a story, and we were just asking to be stared at. Oh, it was funny. When I had to get off the train to switch lines, he gave me a big hug, knowing full well that we'll probably never see each other again, and people stared even more.
Ohhhhhhh Italia. I try to be really American for one day, and she reminds me just how far from home I am :)
Things I miss the most about America:
English speakers
not being stared at
eating dinner before dark
regular hours
fabric softener/ dryers
hygienic men (at least some of them...)
not being harassed by vendors
the Ohio sun that doesn't scorch my skin
bike-riding without fear of being killed by a rogue Smart Car
really good granola
family and friends (of course!)
Two weeks left! I'm gonna soak them up and love them, but I'll be excited to be home! Love you girls!
In addition to myself and the staff, a guy named Jonathan came. Jonathan is an American living in Rome and coaching an American football team. Jonathan is a HUGE African American football player. He's tall, but not overwhelmingly tall, but he is all muscles. Think Ryan Kirst, but a little bigger... You get the picture. Well, he was telling us how he gets funny looks sometimes because, well, he just doesn't look Italian. We left the party together and were both headed to the Metro. Seriously, I felt like a celebrity couple, because the whole way to the Metro, people were pointing at us. When we passed by a restaurant, people put down their forks, stopped their conversation, and watched us pass. I think people were worried for my safety, and they were freaked out by the sheer size of this guy. Italian guys in general are really skinny and kind of twerpy. Some of the older ones have beer guts. But it is really rare that you see one who is muscular. It was seriously hilarious. When we got on the train people were looking down the train at us. I couldn't believe it.
I have noticed in the past that Italians don't share the American rule of not staring. Italians will straight up stare at you for like 5 minutes. It doesn't matter who you are. Add to that me, a blonde girl who's pretty tall for this country, and Jonathan, a big Southern black guy who talks loudly and at one point laid his head on my lap (!) while telling a story, and we were just asking to be stared at. Oh, it was funny. When I had to get off the train to switch lines, he gave me a big hug, knowing full well that we'll probably never see each other again, and people stared even more.
Ohhhhhhh Italia. I try to be really American for one day, and she reminds me just how far from home I am :)
Things I miss the most about America:
English speakers
not being stared at
eating dinner before dark
regular hours
fabric softener/ dryers
hygienic men (at least some of them...)
not being harassed by vendors
the Ohio sun that doesn't scorch my skin
bike-riding without fear of being killed by a rogue Smart Car
really good granola
family and friends (of course!)
Two weeks left! I'm gonna soak them up and love them, but I'll be excited to be home! Love you girls!
Friday, July 3, 2009
A Northern Lite Cooler...just what I needed.
Hi friends! It's been awhile since I got my blog on, sorry about that. I know I sound like an old fogey when I say this...but I can't believe it is JULY already!! Where is the summer going? Pretty soon, it will be August and then I will be back at school again. Crazy. Fortunately, I got to see Elisa for just a bit before she left again to the foreign lands of the UP (that's Upper Peninsula for you non-Michiganders). The time went by too fast, as I knew it would, and I am left again beadybeady-less. :)
For the most part, I am still just interning, working, and doing an occasional homework assignment (I really need to get on that), so nothing too exciting. Tomorrow is the 4th of July, for those of you who are not in the States, but I really don't have any big plans. I don't even know if I'll be celebrating with a fireworks show, although some of you know my feelings about the 4th of July...it's my second least favorite holiday, after New Year's Eve. So, I figure that if I don't have ANY expectations to have fun, then I can't suffer from my usual 4th of July disappointment curse. I know, I know, I'm such a downer, but I have my reasons! Car crashes, hospital visits, awkward DTRs...my recent 4ths have been pretty bad.
So on a happier note, my summer is going almost exactly how I thought it would (in a good way). Besides some minor issues, I have really enjoyed this time off from school and being able to do something different. And I do feel like God is making it pretty clear which direction I should go after I graduate. I don't want to go off about the economy or anything, but it's just really fortunate that I do not care about making a lot of money. I will be totally content just to have a job that I'm passionate about, and at a place where I feel like I'm able to serve God and people. I don't want to bore anyone, so ask me about it if you want to hear more.
Well, I guess that's all for now. Caribou says "hi" to all of you travelers [and I still feel totally collegey and cool when I'm working on a laptop in a coffee shop]. :) I love you a lot, my sisters!
For the most part, I am still just interning, working, and doing an occasional homework assignment (I really need to get on that), so nothing too exciting. Tomorrow is the 4th of July, for those of you who are not in the States, but I really don't have any big plans. I don't even know if I'll be celebrating with a fireworks show, although some of you know my feelings about the 4th of July...it's my second least favorite holiday, after New Year's Eve. So, I figure that if I don't have ANY expectations to have fun, then I can't suffer from my usual 4th of July disappointment curse. I know, I know, I'm such a downer, but I have my reasons! Car crashes, hospital visits, awkward DTRs...my recent 4ths have been pretty bad.
So on a happier note, my summer is going almost exactly how I thought it would (in a good way). Besides some minor issues, I have really enjoyed this time off from school and being able to do something different. And I do feel like God is making it pretty clear which direction I should go after I graduate. I don't want to go off about the economy or anything, but it's just really fortunate that I do not care about making a lot of money. I will be totally content just to have a job that I'm passionate about, and at a place where I feel like I'm able to serve God and people. I don't want to bore anyone, so ask me about it if you want to hear more.
Well, I guess that's all for now. Caribou says "hi" to all of you travelers [and I still feel totally collegey and cool when I'm working on a laptop in a coffee shop]. :) I love you a lot, my sisters!
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
Matchy matchy green squared!
Hola chicas!! Soo I basically miss you all sooo much. I figured I might as well give a little blog since our next tour of kids arrives tonight so, that equals not as much free time. : )
Katie, that is insane! What a crazy change, I was a little confused when I first read that it would be you and Jon...but then I got it. lol. No worries. So yea! I understand your apprehensions but maybe this difference is just what God knows you need. It might actually feel good since you will have been (kind of ) on your own for a lot of this summer ya know? It might actually seem more normal than going back to your house, with your whole family. I don't know, just a thought. Either way though I know God will use that situation perfectly. OH! Katie, I had a dream the other night where I came back from Mexico...I was with Sara Walters at church because there was some function going on and I was planning on then seeing everyone. I saw you, Katie, from across the room and we exchanged glances but you NEVVER CAME TO SEE ME! It was like you didn't recognize me or something! So FINALLY I came over to you, (this is where you miighht just pee your pants). I came up to you and realized...your head was shaved, annnd you had braces. Annnd you were a total creeper and I couldn't even have a conversation with you. It was like..seriously..trying to talk to a gremlin. That is the best way I can think to describe it. Especially the noises you were making. I then woke up and literrally laughed out loud. hahaha So there ya go. I thought you'd like that one. : )
To my other chicas, I love and miss you both and hope you enjoy this little big of time you have together! I still watch your vlog whenever I suuuper miss you. : ) muah!
I'm out!
Some rambling... only read if bored :)
Our beautiful blog is having a sad little dry spell!
Is it okay if I rant for a bit?
I'll take your silence as a yes!
Well, ladies (and gents, should there be any reading this), I'm moving. To Avon Lake. Not right now, exactly, but soon. And to those of you (Hannah) who didn't know this, you're probably thinking, "Wait, this is news?" Actually, I'm moving to an apartment in Avon Lake, over by Drug Mart. An apartment that I haven't seen and can't visualize... maybe I'll Google Earth it! I'll be living there with Jon, and my parents will be living in Hiram, and supposedly weekends will be family time, although we'll see how that works out. I'm partially excited. I hear it's a pretty nice place, and it has a work out room and a pool and all that jazz. But part of me is apprehensive. I was looking forward to moving into a situation that's comfortable, and instead it's unknown, and I guess that's okay. But I'm having trouble processing things from this side of the ocean. I feel like I'll go home and there will be all of these changes like, my family only eats heart healthy food now, and everything will be getting boxed up, and we'll be living in all different places, and Jere will be moving to Chicago, and not to mention that I feel I've changed this summer.
I know, I don't really deserve stability. And I'm sure it will be fine. I just feel shaky going back to America. I have all this confusion about what God has in store for me after graduation, and now I have all this confusion about what is in store for this coming year. I think it was Elisa who I was talking to about how every year for the past several year has held some big life change. AMEN! Sophomore year of High School: move to Avon. Junior ear of High School: move to AL. Senior year of High School: switch to Avon Lake High School/ LCCC. Freshman year of college: move out of home. Sophomore year of college: have world rocked by being an RA/ being called to be a missionary/ graduate a year early. Senior year of college (woah... I'm going to be a senior...): move home, but not really home, move into an apartment with my brother. Post college: mission field (Lord willing). That's a lot of life changes. And part of me thrives on it. I like breaking up the monotony. But being here in Italy has rendered me unable to get any true perspective on what's going on at home and that unstability bothers me a bit.
I don't want to seem melodramatic. I'm not sitting in a corner in Italy crying and singing "Mobile" by Avril Lavigne (Everything's chaaaaaaaaaanging, when I turn around; it's outta my control I'm a mobile...) or anything like that.....
OK. I'm over that topic! ADD's kicking in! This morning, I fell in the shower. Or, more correctly, I fell out of the shower. Extremely embarassing and potentially dangerous situation. I bruised my head, and other than that I'm fine. So, that's how my day went. I jest. My day was fine, other than the falling out of the shower business. I'm getting a little punchy and should probably stop blogging now...
But know that I'm on the Home Stretch here in Italy! Two more weeks! I'm excited about the amount of things I can do in 2 weeks, and also about how soon that will come and I'll be home spooning with Heather ;)
Arrivederci amici!
Is it okay if I rant for a bit?
I'll take your silence as a yes!
Well, ladies (and gents, should there be any reading this), I'm moving. To Avon Lake. Not right now, exactly, but soon. And to those of you (Hannah) who didn't know this, you're probably thinking, "Wait, this is news?" Actually, I'm moving to an apartment in Avon Lake, over by Drug Mart. An apartment that I haven't seen and can't visualize... maybe I'll Google Earth it! I'll be living there with Jon, and my parents will be living in Hiram, and supposedly weekends will be family time, although we'll see how that works out. I'm partially excited. I hear it's a pretty nice place, and it has a work out room and a pool and all that jazz. But part of me is apprehensive. I was looking forward to moving into a situation that's comfortable, and instead it's unknown, and I guess that's okay. But I'm having trouble processing things from this side of the ocean. I feel like I'll go home and there will be all of these changes like, my family only eats heart healthy food now, and everything will be getting boxed up, and we'll be living in all different places, and Jere will be moving to Chicago, and not to mention that I feel I've changed this summer.
I know, I don't really deserve stability. And I'm sure it will be fine. I just feel shaky going back to America. I have all this confusion about what God has in store for me after graduation, and now I have all this confusion about what is in store for this coming year. I think it was Elisa who I was talking to about how every year for the past several year has held some big life change. AMEN! Sophomore year of High School: move to Avon. Junior ear of High School: move to AL. Senior year of High School: switch to Avon Lake High School/ LCCC. Freshman year of college: move out of home. Sophomore year of college: have world rocked by being an RA/ being called to be a missionary/ graduate a year early. Senior year of college (woah... I'm going to be a senior...): move home, but not really home, move into an apartment with my brother. Post college: mission field (Lord willing). That's a lot of life changes. And part of me thrives on it. I like breaking up the monotony. But being here in Italy has rendered me unable to get any true perspective on what's going on at home and that unstability bothers me a bit.
I don't want to seem melodramatic. I'm not sitting in a corner in Italy crying and singing "Mobile" by Avril Lavigne (Everything's chaaaaaaaaaanging, when I turn around; it's outta my control I'm a mobile...) or anything like that.....
OK. I'm over that topic! ADD's kicking in! This morning, I fell in the shower. Or, more correctly, I fell out of the shower. Extremely embarassing and potentially dangerous situation. I bruised my head, and other than that I'm fine. So, that's how my day went. I jest. My day was fine, other than the falling out of the shower business. I'm getting a little punchy and should probably stop blogging now...
But know that I'm on the Home Stretch here in Italy! Two more weeks! I'm excited about the amount of things I can do in 2 weeks, and also about how soon that will come and I'll be home spooning with Heather ;)
Arrivederci amici!
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