Sunday, June 14, 2009

This is what happens when 3 girls get really bored...

And now it is time to reveal your SURPRISE! All I will say in explanation of this is that one night Elisa, Hannah, and I got really bored. We were tired of watching movies, playing games, and eating, so we decided to creatively entertain ourselves. This is the result (make sure you set aside 10 minutes to watch this).

The Other Exit [TOE]

*edited by ME*


Unknown said...

Oh MY Lanta.
That is the funniest and weirdest and creepiest and most frightening and most bizarre and awesomest thing I have seen in such a long time. I am so confused and overjoyed at the same time. My feelings about that video are a mystery to me. I'm not sure I understand what actually happened... but I was seizing with fits of laughter in a public internet caffe... Also. I couldn't tell that the poster was of a Jonas brother until the very end... that proabbly would have clarified things for me a bit. Oh my gosh... I miss you girls so stinkin much!
Haha! I can only imagine what people will think who see that who don't know us that well.....

Anonymous said...

Just another look into a the beady beady world of psychotic behavior, right? I'm anxious to hear other such delighted comments, Kate. Glad you liked it. I personally am glad that you were able to star in the film. Good thing you were able to teleport in.

Everyone else, leave some comments. We'd love to hear your praise about what wonderful Hollywood actresses and LA producers we'd make. Not that we deserve all that credit. Shout out to Kevin Jonas.