Monday, December 7, 2009

The Job Update

I am burned out. Not from a crazy stressful academic semester, as is usually the case. Rather, I am burned out from thinking about and trying to plan for the future. I realized today that job searching has become my full-time job. Ironic? I think so. I don't even intend it, but almost every time I am online for whatever reason (which, let's face it, is often), I start looking at jobs and then applying for them. In case you weren't aware, applying for a job online is a lengthy process, and once you start, it is difficult to stop until you are finished. So I find myself spending hours and hours each day reading job descriptions, seeing if I am qualified, deciding if I would hate it (I'm not necessarily looking for my dream-job here), filling out their specific application, and recently, writing individualized cover letters for each position. It's draining. And strangely addicting. I can't even count the number of jobs I have applied for, ranging from positions like a mental health counselor to a research study coordinator to a study abroad program advisor to working in a residential home for people with developmental disabilities. I have definitely applied to more than 15 jobs at different places (universities, hospitals, non-profits, mental health clinics etc). Honestly, I haven't heard back from hardly any of them. So far, only one place has called me back, and it was for a job that I am not that interested in. I did have a phone interview with them, though, and I have a face-to-face interview set up for early February. So I guess that's positive. I just don't know if it's really a good choice for me.

Anyway, like I said, I'm getting burned out. It probably doesn't help that it's the last week of the semester and everyone is stressed out and cranky. All I really want right now is to be home, in my pajamas, hanging out with my beadies, and to be completely done with school. Most of that will be possible in just over a week, and I cannot wait! I really need some encouragement, and I long to spend time with the people that know me the best. I hope you're all doing well and that finals won't be too bad. And feel free to call me sometime in the next week if you have time.


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