Ok girls. Not to sound restless, but...I'm restless. I'm getting gloomy every time I see our blog with that gray and blue. It's very winter. You girls up for changing things around? Blogger's got some new options/maybe Kate could show one of us how to get all those templates she found (since I know you will hardly have time to makeover our blog, Kate). What do you all think? We could be as cool as this:
...yep, that's what pops up when you type in "cool" on google images. Well, that, a picture of a dog wearing pants and a headshot of L.L. Cool J. Whatever happened to him?
So extreme makeover blog edition? What do y'all think?
yeah yeah yeahs!
Go for it. I don't have much internet time these days, but blogger has lots of cool new stuff, so, do whatever y'all want!
Yea Yea! (Oh wait..Katie already kinda stole my phrase! ; ) ). We defff need to change this thang. It's BORRRINGGG lol. Andd..I reallyyy want that frickin fish tank! Its cool. I'm a dork though.
Ok all, so there's just one problem...I don't know how to get rid of the background that Kate put on here. Didn't you put that on with some code, Kate? How do we get rid of that? I keep trying to apply backgrounds, but nothing will go over our current one. Whaddo I dooooo?
I got rid of it... That was tricky though. Soorrry about that :)
Now, design away!
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