Monday, March 30, 2009

Searching for rest

So, I am sensing a consensus. Beady Beady Sisterhood it is.
Also, that calls for a new picture at the top. Here are some that I found on flickr. Let's take a vote and whichever one we like I will add the text and put it at the top :) And we can change the background color to go with whichever we pick......

On to other things...

I have been feeling really burnt out lately. I am always tired, and I am so sick of my job. I feel like such a complainer, but I just feel like I have no time to do things that I love. It's been years since I've done a play, months since I've touched my guitar, a few weeks since I've painted anything, and I rarely get to eat good food. I just feel like I'm in a rut here. My friend Katie is always getting so excited about what God is doing at CSU (she's starting a prayer meeting this week) and I find it hard to get past the day to day routine and see what is ahead. I feel like I don't have time to have perspective on any of what is going on around me.
On the bright side, Italy is just around the corner... support comes in almost every day. God is reminding me that He is faithful, which He always does. I feel like a schmuck because how many times have I been shown God's provision in HUGE ways, and I still doubt Him. Actually, I think it's less doubt about him providing and more me doubting that I chose the right thing. (I still have this lingering voice in my head that says, "Katie, you're not actually supposed to go to Italy! No way is the money gonna come in..." I'm pretty certain that's Satan.) God is bringing me around. Slowly but surely.
I love you girls so much, and I can't wait to see you again. And Hannah, dear, you help me keep my sanity here, even if you also sometimes help me lose it. :)

Much love,


Find rest, O my soul in GOD alone; my hope comes from Him. Psalm 62:5

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