Thursday, October 15, 2009

The Importance of Rest

One of the biggest struggles I have been dealing with this semester is time. Specifically, I have been very conflicted with how to best spend my time, and not necessarily because I have to balance all of these huge time commitments; rather, I have a huge LACK of time commitments. This is definitely a first for me. It took me awhile to pinpoint what exactly I was struggling with, and when I finally realized that my problem was simply having free time, I was quite stunned. Since middle school, I have been so involved in sports, activities, youth group, church, homework etc., that I have NEVER had gaps in my day in which there was literally nothing I had to do. I honestly think this is the first time in the last 10 years that my schedule has been so open. And here’s the kicker: it has taken me a good solid month to be OKAY with that. My initial response to having an open schedule was to fill it, or at least make sure that I was with other people socializing or being somewhat productive in that time. I felt guilty for having free time. But you know what? I don’t think that is healthy. I don’t think that God would want me to feel guilty for simply having hours each day to stop, sit, rest, or read. In fact, I’ve come to the conclusion that I think God is blessing me this semester with the gift of time. He knows that this is my final semester of college and that I have a LOT on my mind, and maybe he is giving me this time to take a step back from the busyness of life in order to reflect on the past 3 (or maybe even 21) years. I am guessing that after this January, my life will pick back up with many different time commitments, and it will not be so easy for me to stop, rest, and reflect. Although honestly, after this semester, I think I am going to make that more of a regular part of my life – even with the busyness.

Here’s the thing...I am still struggling with this. I still feel a natural inclination to be busy and fill up my time with things that I don’t really need to do. Don’t misunderstand me, it’s not that I have completely stopped caring about relationships or classes (although my concern for school has definitely decreased – thank you, senioritis). It’s just that I am starting to look forward to those times in my day when I have the option of taking a nap, reading a book for FUN, or just having some good old fashioned Heather-time. I am still driven to use my time productively, but I am also aware that I have enough time in my day for both homework and relaxing. It’s quite a fantastic feeling!

Anyway, I hope that was at least a little encouraging to you. I would really advise anyone who feels like busyness is taking over your life to make the most of those free periods in your day…take a nap! Read a book! Call a friend! Blog! ;)

I love you, my sisters, and I hope to talk to you soon!

Heather Grace


Anonymous said...

I want to know what "good old fashioned Heather-time" looks like when it doesn't involve reading, napping or anyone but Heather. I think I'd like to cash in on that, haha.

I love you and I am so glad you have time for yourself! Let's talk soon!

Unknown said...

Oh sister, I am so glad you are appreciating this time... I had it, and I lost it, and now I want it back!