Thursday, October 7, 2010


Dear Beady Sisses,

Honestly, I don't know how honest I've been with you all lately. Because honestly, I have not been doing great with the Lord. Honestly, last night was the first night in a long time where I truly felt as if I could only do all things through HIM who gives me strength rather than through me.

It's a funny thing how not being open damages a person. I have not purposely been hiding anything from the three of you or from my husband, but I have just stopped talking about my spiritual life. With anybody. Even the Lord. For a while, it doesn't seem like a big deal. Frankly, just about all summer long I omitted that part of my life from every conversation (the fact that I even have the ability to do that probably says something about the state of my heart right now), and now fall is well underway and I have not changed my habits in the slightest. Of course, the reasoning behind this is because I know that I have not been focusing the kind of effort or time I should be with the Lord. I'd love to blame it on change, on adjusting to married life, on it being my last semester, and believe me, I do use these as excuses. But what it really comes down is laziness with a hint of apathy. And you know, despite my extreme busyness, things are going pretty well for me, so what do I need the Lord for, right? I know how incredibly blasphemous that sounds, and I would never actually say that out loud, but that's really what I've been saying with my life. (And everyone knows 80% of communication is nonverbal. . . ) Why is it that it is so difficult for me to believe that I need the Lord even when there is not a "crisis" happening in my life? This is not a new problem in my life, but certainly an emphasized one over the last several months. I was at one point more disciplined. Why is that so hard to build and so simple to tear down?

Honestly girls, I've been avoiding writing anything on here, because I know that once I started to write I would inevitably need to be honest. Honestly though, Sara Groves is right when she says, "Oh honesty--oh honestly--the truth be told for the saving of our souls."

Your slightly blasphemous and forever imperfect friend,

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Dear Elisa, please don't think you are alone in feeling this way. Your blog pretty much sums up my state of heart for the last year. In the last week, I have felt a change coming, but that change is nowhere near complete and I empathize with you entirely.

I love you, sister.