Thursday, May 26, 2011

Thank God Almighty, I'm free at last

I just want to announce to the blogesphere that I am officially done being a Mental Health Practitioner!! Today was my last day, and I am extremely glad to say that I start my new job next week! This weekend, Toby and I are going up north to Duluth, which is a popular travel destination for Minnesotans. It's a town right on Lake Superior full of antique shops, typical touristy spots, and pretty lake and nature walking paths. We're going up with another couple and staying at an indoor water park resort, so it should be really fun!

The last two weeks at work have been really tough. It's felt like two consistent weeks of breaking up with people. Some of my clients took the news well, but others did not. I guess that's to be expected when I've been meeting with them every week for the past year. As a result, I've been pretty emotional, too. One client wrote me a letter thanking me for all the work we did together. In her letter she wrote, "God's spirit shines through you gracefully." And that was really neat to hear! It was not often that I got any feedback on the work I was doing, so I greatly appreciated reading that! I will truly cherish that letter.

I'm sure I will have plenty to share about my new job once I start, so be looking out for that. I still can't believe I'm done. Whew, it has been a long year.

Peace out.

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