Friday, April 23, 2010

18 months.

That's how long I have told SIM that I will commit to.

18 months. A year and a half. 2012 is when I will be home. That means that I will never be in America during 2011 (Lord willing...). Sorry... just processing. Deep breath.

I've also started to get PRF's, which I think stands for Position Request Form. They are basically like job descriptions. They say things like: "India", "Bangladesh", "Kenya".... and "Transportation: Auto Rickshaw or Bike Rickshaw"... and "
girls who have survived abuse, neglect, homelessness, broken homes, and other wounds from poverty"... and "bring $200 if you want to go on a safari". Deep breath.

I also realized today that because I don't have to take any final exams (although I have 4 final papers standing between me and graduation), I will be basically done with school in 2 weeks. Whew. Deep breath.

Dates like May 15th, May 22, June 1-Aug 15th, Sept 8-11, Oct 23-Nov 6 all ring in my brain as some of the potentially most life changing dates of my life (or some other people's lives... wait, is a beady getting MARRIED?) and as they roll around in my head, I can't figure out whether or not they're real, or how quickly they will come. Deep breath.

I'm buying books about support raising, and about coping with stress on the mission field, and realizing that I'm actually doing this. Deep breath.

All I can say is, it's a good thing the Lord knows what He's doing, because I certainly don't.

Deep breath.
deep breath.
deep breath.


Anonymous said...

Kate, all I could do was praise God when I read that--praise him that he has been so faithful in answering your prayers, that he has such beautiful (and admittedly difficult) challenges planned for you, and that he will continue to see you through it all. I love you so much, Kate, and am so amazed by the ways you choose to give your life whole-heartedly for the Gospel. You ARE actually doing this, and I, for one, can't wait!

Unknown said...

It was so good to talk to you today, Katie! And I'm so pumped that you got the LH internship and are accepted to SIM!! Yay. Things are a-happenin with you, chica! (don't make fun of me for using that word..)

Love you.